Stripping /10 0 votes, 0 avg 1 Created on March 09, 2023 Stripping 1 / 10 While Pulling Out of the Hole (POOH), a kick is taken and the well is shut-in. Use the information below to answer the following question: Bit is 1500 ft off bottom SICP = 250 psi Estimated swabbed-in volume = 15 bbls Casing capacity = 0.0505 bbl/ft If the kick is below the bit, what would be the SIDPP with no float in the drill string? The same as the SICP Higher than SICP Lower than SICP There is no way to know 2 / 10 A kick is swabbed-in while pulling out of the hole (POOH) and the annular is closed. A full opening safety valve (FOSV) is stabbed and closed. There is no float in the drill string and the decision to strip back to bottom was made. What is the next action before the stripping operation takes place? Bump the float to get the SIDPP Install the IBOP above the FOSV and open the the FOSV Run the drill string back to bottom with the FOSV closed to prevent back flow Open the BOP and run the drill string back to bottom to circulate the kick out of the well 3 / 10 The well is shut-in after a kick is swabbed-in while tripping out. If the bit is above the kick and casing pressure is 150 psi, what would be the SIDPP if there is no float in the drill string? The same as the SICP Higher than SICP Lower than SICP There is no way to know 4 / 10 While Pulling Out of the Hole (POOH), a kick is taken and the well is shut-in. Use the information below to answer the following question: Bit is 2000 ft off bottom SICP = 150 psi Estimated swabbed-in volume = 10 bbls Casing capacity = 0.0505 bbl/ft If the bit is above the kick, what would be the SIDPP with no float in the drill string? Higher than SICP The same as the SICP Lower than SICP There is no way to know 5 / 10 Consider the plan below to answer the following question. A kick was swabbed-in while pulling out of the hole. The decision made is to strip back to boottom using the barrel-in/barrel out technique. While preparing to start the stripping operation, casing pressure increased indicating that the gas is migrating. What is the risk in using the barrel-in/barrel-out technique to strip if the gas kick is migrating? Bottom Hole Pressure (BHP) would decrease potentially leading to another influx There are no risks associated with the barrel-in/barrel-out technique Bottom Hole Pressure (BHP) would decrease once the gas would expand too much Bottom Hole Pressure (BHP) would increase once the gas would not be allowed to expand 6 / 10 If the well is shut-in while tripping out of the hole, what would indicate that the kick is below the bit? SICPP will be higher than SIDPP SIDPP will be equal to the SICP SIDPP will be higher than SICP There is no way to know where the kick is in the well 7 / 10 Gas kick was taken 20 stands off bottom. While preparing to strip to bottom, surface pressures have been increasing. If the casing pressure is held constant while stripping to bottom, what is the volume recovered in the trip tank due to? Only the closed end displacement of the pipe Steel displacement of the pipe Gas expansion only Gas expansion plus the closed end displacement 8 / 10 While stripping back to bottom to circulate a swabbed-in kick, what would happen to the casing pressure as the drill string is stripped into the influx? There is no way to know Casing pressure would increase Casing pressure would stay the same Casing pressure would decrease 9 / 10 A kick has been swabbed-in and the well has been shut-in with the bit 1500 ft off bottom. Which of the options below is the best course of action to take? Start the Wait and Weight method after the surface pressures have stabilized Assess the possibility of stripping to bottom before starting kill operations Begin pumping kill fluid as soon as possible Continue POOH with caution 10 / 10 What is the proper procedure to maintain the Bottom Hole Pressure (BHP) constant while stripping pipe into the well if the gas is not migrating? Pump in the volume of the closed end displacement of each stand stripped in to ensure BHP will not decrease Bleed off the closed-end displacement of the pipe while stripping to bottom Bleed off 2 times the volume of the closed-end displacement of the pipe stripped into the well Run back to bottom without bleeding off any mud Your score is LinkedIn Facebook Twitter VKontakte 0% Restart quiz Please rate this quiz Send feedback